
For this blog post I decided to chose the video “How ChatGPT Works Technically | ChatGPT Architecture” by ByteByteGo. It is a short youtube video That explains some of the basics of how ChatGPT works and it notes how ChatGPT can produce potentially untruthful, toxic, or harmful statements without proper guidance.

In what way are they likely to respond to the video on their own, e.g., make notes, do an activity, or think about the topic (learner-generated)?

To encourage learner engagement I would recommend the following activity: After watching the video students will choose a topic from it that they found interesting and explore it further. This can involve researching specific topics such as how Large Language Models are used or what some limitations of ChatGPT are. By allowing students to choose their own topic about video they will be able to learn in a way that resonates with them. After the students have gathered some information on their topic I would create small groups for students to share what they have learned with their peers. This can also be altered to use in an online setting, instead of having students get into groups they could make a small post talking about something of the things they learned.

How would students get feedback on the activity that you set? What medium or technology would they and/or you use for getting and giving feedback on their activity?

Regarding feedback for this activity I would provide a participation mark. During the group discussion I would circulate the class to ensure that everyone is actively participating. By doing this I can ensure that everyone is engaged on the topic at hand and engaging with their group.

How much work for you would that activity cause? Would the work be both manageable and worthwhile? Could the activity be scaled for larger numbers of students?

This activity would not cause much work since it is learner-generated and would only have a participation mark. Therefore, it would be a manageable and worthwhile activity. Furthermore, this activity would be easily scalable in large classrooms because the objective is to create interest in ChatGPT and enhance their understanding for future activities and subjects on ChatGPT.

How will you address any potential barriers for your learners in the use of this video to ensure an inclusive design?

To ensure an inclusive environment I have taken into account the accessibility of the chosen video. One common barrier with YouTube videos is the lack of subtitles and/or transcripts. In this case the video I have chosen already has subtitles and a transcript for students to read if they want instead of solely relying on the audio. However, one challenge that is not already addressed is the lack of description for images and tables used. To overcome this I would add to the transcript by describing the visuals used making it more inclusive.


ByteByteGo. (2023). How ChatGPT Works Technically | ChatGPT Architecture [YouTube Video]. Retrieved from

2 Responses

  • Hi Chloe,

    I love the video that you chose as it has a lot of figures that makes it quite easy to understand what is happening and really breaks down ChatGPT to something that can be comprehendible by everyone. I agree that after watching the video the learner will most likely try it out for themselves and by exploring further they will be interacting with the video. I agree with you that having a discussion afterwords would be great as it is hard to really see if the learners interacted with the video or not. I think that the comment section of the youtube video is very resourceful as its a perfect place to show what you understood or didn’t understand from the video.

    Thanks for sharing,
    Kevin S

  • Hi Chloe! Thank you for sharing that video about ChatGPT and how it works. I found it helpful, especially regarding the potential risks of using ChatGPT without proper guidance. It’s important for students to know that the information they get from ChatGPT may not always be accurate or safe, so it’s crucial to double-check and verify everything before using it. Thanks again for the insightful video and activities you plan to implement!

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